Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 Reasons to Buy a Home in Houston

  1. You are still outgrowing or unsatisfied with your current housing no matter what the economy does
  2. Interest rates are still at all time low, unlike the last recession when they were at over 18%
  3. Qualify for the new $8,000 First Time Buyer Tax Credit. Watch the Video Here
  4. There is currently a good supply of homes on the market for you to find a home to call your own
  5. Prices have held relatively stable and builders are stilloffering some great incentives on their completed homes
  6. Renting is always a 100% loss, not an investment like purchasing your own home
  7. Houston has repeatedly been ranked one of the top cities for its affordable housing costs and employment outlook.
  8. Houston has one of the healthiest housing markets in the country. Texas is the state with the highest job growth and one of the lowest unemployment rates.
  9. Many top local economists feel that there has been a pent up demand for housing by people “sitting on the fence”, when the economy starts to turn and more people enter the market, there will be a shortage of housing which will cause prices to rise
  10. Purchasing a home is just like other major decisions like having children, getting married, and career changes. Waiting for the “perfect time” is giving into FEAR (False Expectations About Reality)

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